
About Toastmasters
From the first club started in a California YMCA in the 1920s, Toastmasters has spread throughout the world with nearly 235,000 members and over 11,000 clubs in 92 countries. The non-profit organization is a recognized leader in helping people become comfortable and confident when speaking in front of an audience, whether that audience is composed of 10 people or 10,000 (or more)!
With eight clubs and over 150 members, Toastmasters has a strong presense in Lubbock. Each club has a different personality and flavor all its own. Visitors are always welcome at Toastmasters meetings.

About Toastmasters in Lubbock

Lubbock is home to a wide variety of Toastmasters clubs, ranging from clubs that have been around for over 50 years to clubs that have only existed for a couple. In addition to the normal clubs, there are also specialized clubs which cover topics like speaking on a professional level and finding the humor in every presentation.
Lubbock is even home to two of the past International Presidents of Toastmasters International.
For more information about the clubs in Lubbock, please see the Find A Club page.

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