We had a great time at the Division F Evaluation & Tall Tales contests on Saturday, October 27, 2012. We were honored to have District 23 Lieutenant Governor Marketing, Jim McCabe, in attendance.
Contestants! fr left: Dustin Wells, Laura Edge, Vicky Ma, Mary Ann Gordon, Michelle Leatherwood, Will Bess, Liz Langford |
Area 62 Governor, Robyne Vaughn gave a wonderful speech, "How to Hold an Effective, Enjoyable, and Productive Meeting," for the Evaluation contestants to evaluate. Mary Ann Gordon, Vicky Ma and Laura Edge all did a fantastic job evaluating Robyne's speech. The 1st Place Contestant, advancing to the District Evaluation Contest, was Mary Ann Gordon.
Jim McCabe, Mary Ann Gordon, Jef Conn |
Jim McCabe, Will Bess, Jef Con |
At the end of the afternoon, a drawing was held for a $25 gift card from United Supermarkets. Laura Edge was the winner of the drawing.
Congratulations to all our winners: Mary Ann Gordon, Will Bess and Laura Edge!
And a great big THANK YOU to two of the hardest working Toastmasters in attendance, our timers Jack Gordon and Tracy Thomason.