Monday, March 31, 2014

Toastmasters Visit Rawls College of Business

Toastmasters members in Lubbock gathered together to present a demonstration meeting for the Managerial Communication students at the Texas Tech University Rawls College of Business on March 31, 2014.

Members of Eloquent Raiders (the Toastmasters club on Texas Tech campus) hosted the event along with some help from members of the Llano Estacado and South Plains clubs. District 23's Lt. Governor Marketing, Jef Conn, acted as the event's emcee before turning it over to Eloquent Raiders' VP Education, Ben Mercado, to run the meeting at the Toastmaster.

Approximately 177 students attended the event.

Managerial Communication Instructor
Grace Noyes
Managerial Communication Instructor
Dianne Anderson
District 23 Lt. Governor Marketing
Jef Conn
Jef Conn
Eloquent Raiders VP Education
Ben Mercado
Eloquent Raiders Secretary
Jimmy Morrison
Llano Estacado member Chase Barnhill and
South Plains member Dustin Wells
Eloquent Raiders member
Kyle Smith
Llano Estacado VP Membership
Kerry Mobley
Llano Estacado member
Taryn Rainwater
Eloquent Raiders President
Grace Preston
Chase Barnhill and Kerry Mobley
Front: Dustin Wells
Middle: Jimmy Morrison, Dianne Anderson, Grace Noyes,
Kerry Mobley, Taryn Rainwater, Amber Marsh, Grace Preston
Back: Kyle Smith, Chase Barnhill, Jef Conn, Ben Mercado

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Area 61 & 62 Spring Contest Winners for 2014

Toastmasters from all over Lubbock came together for the Area 61 & 62 Spring contests on March 29th.

Our winners will move on to the Division contest which will take place on Saturday, April 12th, at Green Lawn Church of Christ in Lubbock, TX, from 1pm to 3pm. The winners of each Area will compete against the other Areas in Division F.  Area 63 covers the Midland/Odessa region while Area 64 covers south eastern New Mexico.

Area 61 & 62 Governor Ernee Kozyreff organized the event and tapped Jason Davis to be the Contest Toastmaster while Ernee oversaw the judging.

The first and second place contestants, listed below, will move on to the Division Contest on April 12th.

Area 61 International Speech

  • 1st Place - Taryn Rainwater
  • 2nd Place - Victoria Xiong

Area 62 International Speech

  • 1st Place - Patti Douglass

Area 61 Table Topics

  • 1st Place - Sarah Asio
  • 2nd Place - Simon Bainbridge

Area 62 Table Topics

  • 1st Place - Donald Beatty
  • 2nd Place - Ben Mercado

Photos courtesy of Lynda Beatty

Donna Hunt and Ernee Kozyreff

Jason Davis

Jeremy Glasscock

Simon Bainbridge

Sarah Asio

Jason Davis

Donald Beatty

Ben Mercado

Val Cochran

Taryn Rainwater

Victoria Xiong

Patti Douglass

Patti & Jason

Jason & Taryn

Jason & Ben

Donald & Jason

Jason & Simon

Jason & Sarah